So you want to learn the ins and outs of 301 darts, do you? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This game is a staple at any dart bar and a favorite for new and seasoned players alike. The basics are simple to pick up but take time to master. Before you know it, you’ll be hitting triples and chasing outs like a pro.

The goal of 301 darts is straightforward: start with 301 points and work your way down to exactly zero, finishing with a double. Sounds easy enough, right? Don’t be fooled, this game of subtraction and accuracy requires a steady hand and a sharp mind. You will find the Exciting Twist in this game in the “301 Darts Rules” section.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to keep score, the value of different shots, the best ways to finish, and pro tips to up your game. So grab some friends, chalk up your darts, and let’s get started. The board is calling your name – are you ready to answer? Let the games begin!

What Is 301 Darts?

301 Darts is a fun game perfect for beginners and pros alike. The goal is simple: deduct points from 301 by throwing three darts and hitting the numbered sections of the board.

  • The game starts with 301 points for each player.
  • Throw three darts to deduct points from your total. The points you deduct depend on which numbers your darts land in.
  • subtract the points you score from your total. The first player to reach exactly 0 points wins!

To get good at 301, focus on precision and consistency. Aim for the higher points areas of the board like the triple 20 to deduct points quickly. But don’t get discouraged if you miss at first. With regular practice, your accuracy and skill will improve in no time.

The key is to have fun while you play. Grab some friends, get a few cold ones and enjoy this classic game of skill. May the best dart thrower win! Keep at it and before you know it, you’ll be a pro in 301 darts.

301 Darts Rules and Scoring

301 Darts Rules and Scoring

To play 301 darts, you need to understand the rules and how points are scored.

Playing 301 darts appears simple, however, there is a Twist. A participant cannot start subtracting points from their score until they successfully hit the double points zone. (double Ring or inner Bullseye). Furthermore, they cannot complete the game until they hit a double and reduce their score to zero.

For example, if you have 40 points left, you cannot double out with 2 darts in the single 20s zone. You must hit one dart in the double twenty.


In the game of darts, points are assigned based on where the dart lands on the board. The inner circle, commonly referred to as the Inner Bullseye and colored red is worth 50 points.

The outer circle, also known as the Outer Bullseye, is colored green and is worth 25 points. Hitting the triple ring of any number will earn you three times the amount of that number in points.

Likewise, hitting the double ring will give you twice the points of the number on it. Single-scoring areas are worth 1x of the point number on it. The Outermost Black ring has no scoring area, so hitting it earns Zero points.


Players throw 3 darts per turn and cannot touch any darts already thrown before throwing all 3 darts. Darts that bounce off the board do not count. Any darts that stick but then fall out later still count.


The first player to reach exactly 0 points wins. If you go below 0, those points are added back. So aim carefully for those final throws!

Subtracting Points

To subtract your points, simply take the point value of where your dart landed and subtract that from your total points. For example, if you have 125 points left and throw a triple 20, you subtract 60 points (3 x 20) and your new total is 65. Then if you throw a single 5, subtract another 5 points and your total is now 60.

With a little practice, you’ll get the hang of this exciting game in no time. The basic rules are easy to pick up, but mastering the subtle strategies and techniques can take years. Stick with it, focus on precision and consistency, and before you know it you’ll be hitting those triples and doubles like a pro!

301 Darts Game Set Up and Equipment

301 Darts Game Set Up and Equipment

To play 301 darts, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment.


A standard dartboard is sufficient; no need to purchase a new one for this game.


You’ll also need a set of three darts. For beginners, choose a weight between 16 to 22 grams with plastic or soft tip points, especially if playing on an electronic board. As your skills improve, consider upgrading to brass darts for better grip and penetration into the sisal fibers of the board.


Some method to keep the score is necessary. You can use a traditional chalkboard, whiteboard, Scoreboard, or electronic scorekeeper. To manually keep score, mark each player’s points for each round in the corresponding numbered section of the board. The first player to reach exactly 0 points wins!

To start, each player throws three darts per round. Add up the point values of where your darts land on the board. For example, if you hit a single 7, double 12, and triple 20, your score for that round would be 91 points (7 + 24 + 60).

After each round, deduct the points scored from 301. The game continues until a player reaches exactly 0 points with their darts. If you go below 0, those points are added back to your total.

301 Darts Strategy and Tips for Beginners

301 Darts Strategy and Tips for Beginners

So you’ve got the basics of 301 down and are ready to start improving your game. Here are some tips to help boost your 301 strategy and become a pro in no time.

Start with higher numbers

When you first start playing 301, focus on hitting the higher numbers like 20s, 19s, 18s and 17s. These higher numbers will get your score down quickly so you can move on to finishing on the lower numbers.

Aim for the triple/double

Once you’ve gotten comfortable hitting the higher numbers, work on improving your accuracy to hit the triple and double zones. A triple 20 is worth 60 points, so hitting a few of those in a round will really help your score. The double zones are also a great way to rack up extra points.

Finish strong

The most important part of 301 is how you finish. Work on hitting the lower numbers like 16, 15, 14, and bullseye to end the game. A bullseye is worth 50 points, which is 2x of 25, so finishing on a bullseye is always impressive! Practice your accuracy on the lower numbers and bullseye so you can confidently check out.

Mix up your shots

Don’t fall into a pattern of always hitting the same numbers. Mix up your shots between higher numbers, triples/doubles and lower numbers. This will make you a more well-rounded player and harder to beat! It also makes the game more interesting.

Stay focused

301 can be a fast-paced game, so it’s important to stay focused. Pay attention to what numbers you have left to hit and what your opponent is hitting. Make each dart throw count. Staying focused and on your game will make you a 301 champion in no time!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing 301 Darts

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing 301 Darts

As a beginner, it’s easy to make mistakes when playing 301 darts that can cost you points and hurt your game. Avoid these common errors to improve your skills:

Rushing Your Throw

Slow down and focus on your throw. Many new players hurry their shots, causing them to release the dart off-target. Take a few seconds to aim properly at your target section or number. A smooth release and follow-through will lead to higher scores.

Poor Stance and Grip

Having a solid stance and proper grip is key to accuracy and consistency. Stand sideways to the board with one foot slightly in front of the other.

Hold the dart near the back, with your thumb on top and fingers placed comfortably on the shaft. Release the dart smoothly off your fingertips, keeping your wrist straight. An inconsistent stance or grip leads to erratic throws.

Not Following Through

Follow-through refers to continuing the motion of your arm after releasing the dart. Extend your arm towards the target after throwing for the most accurate shots.

Stopping your arm abruptly after releasing the dart can negatively impact your accuracy and cause you to drop points. A full follow-through leads to muscle memory and precision.

Getting Frustrated

Darts is a game of skill that takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you miss shots or drop points, especially when you’re first learning. Stay focused and positive.

Take a few deep breaths to avoid frustration and clear your mind before your next throw. Your scores and accuracy will improve over time with regular practice. Enjoy the game!

Mistakes and missed shots are part of learning. Focus on fundamentals, slow down, and avoid common errors. With regular practice, your skills and confidence will grow. You’ll be hitting the bullseye in no time!

Variations of 301

Variations of 301

Once you’ve mastered the basics of 301 darts, it’s time to try some variations to spice up your games. Here are a few popular options:

Count Up

Instead of starting at 301 and counting down, start at 0 and count up. The first player to reach exactly 301 points wins. This simple twist makes you think in the opposite direction and can freshen up your strategy.

Drop The Rule Double In/Double Out

The players can only start scoring points after hitting a double, and can only end the game after hitting a double that brings their total to exactly 301. For new players, you can drop the shooting to doubles to get in/out and just go straight out to make it easier.


Play a game of cricket at the same time as 301. Players earn points in 301 as normal, but also try to “close out” numbers 15 through 20 and the bullseye by hitting each three times. The first player to reach 301 points and close out all numbers wins. This combination of games adds an extra layer of strategy and difficulty.


For players of different abilities, use a handicap system. The weaker player starts at a lower score, like 251, while the stronger player starts at the full 301. This levels the playing field and makes games more competitive and fun for everyone.

With so many options, you’ll never get bored playing 301 darts. Try them all and find your favorites to become a 301 master.


So you’ve mastered the basics of 301 darts and you’re ready to up your game. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from beginners:

For 301, you’ll want a standard steel-tip dart that’s properly weighted for your throw. Most players use darts in the 18 to 26 gram range. Heavier darts require more force to throw but can improve accuracy. Lighter darts may suit players with a quicker release. Buy a few different weights to determine which you prefer.

Stand sideways to the board with one foot slightly in front of the other. Keep your upper body still and pull the dart back and throw in one smooth motion. A loose, relaxed grip with your thumb on top and fingers placed lightly on the side of the barrel typically provides the most control and consistent release.

Practice, practice, practice. Aim for the larger numbers to build confidence, then work your way to doubles and triples. Release the dart smoothly while keeping your elbow up and follow through after releasing. Stand the proper distance from the board, usually 7 to 9 feet for most players. Consistency is key – try to use the same stance, grip, and release on each throw.


So there you have it, the basics of playing 301 darts. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, get out there and start practicing. Don’t get discouraged if you struggle at first, 301 darts, like any sport, takes time to master.

Focus on developing consistency and accuracy, the wins will come. The most important things are having fun and learning to love the game. Before you know it, you’ll be hitting triple 20s and checking out in style.

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