Shanghai Special: Master the JDC Dart Challenge

The JDC Challenge is a darts practice routine that was created by the Junior Darts Corporation (JDC), an organization that promotes and develops the sport of darts for young players. The JDC Challenge involves playing three different games on the dartboard and scoring points based on your performance.

You can play it online on the GoDartsPro website, which is the official partner of the Junior Darts Corporation (JDC). You can register for free and track your official scores for the JDC Challenge. The JDC Challenge is a fun and challenging way to practice darts and compete with other players around the world.

What is the JDC Dart Challenge

The JDC Dart Challenge is a fun way to test your skills and see how you measure up. It involves three rounds of games on the board to reach an overall score that determines your “rank”.

The first round is playing Shanghai on numbers 10 through 15. Shanghai means hitting a single, double, and triple of the same number. Each dart that hits the number scores points, but achieving Shanghai gets you a 100-point bonus.

The second round has you throwing one dart at each double from 1 to 20, plus the bullseye. Each double hit scores 50 points.

The final round is more Shanghai, this time on numbers 15 through 20. Again, Shanghai scores an extra 100 points.

Depending on your score, you can earn a shirt of different colors that represent your skill level. The shirts are:

  • 0 to 150 points: White shirt
  • 151 to 300 points: Purple shirt
  • 301 to 450 points: Yellow shirt
  • 451 to 600 points: Green shirt
  • 601 to 700 points: Blue shirt
  • 701 to 850 points: Red shirt
  • 850+ points: Black shirt

The higher your score, the higher your “rank” and the darker your shirt color. While any score will show you where to improve, serious players aim for the 850+ black shirt.

The key to a high score is focusing on rounds 2 and 3. Round 2 has the chance for up to 1,050 points from doubles alone. And round 3, with its opportunity for multiple 100-point Shanghai bonuses, can really boost your total.

JDC Dart Challenge Rules

Understanding the JDC Dart Challenge Rules

To master the JDC Dart Challenge, you need to first understand the rules. This practice routine consists of three parts that test your accuracy and skill.

The first part is playing Shanghai on numbers 10 through 15. For each number, you need to hit a single, double, and triple to get the bonus 100 points. Any other hits on that number also score, so aim carefully!

The second part requires throwing one dart at each double from 1 to 20, plus one at the bullseye. Hitting a double scores 50 points, so this can really boost your total. Take your time and focus on accuracy.

Finally, it’s back to Shanghai but on numbers 15 through 20. Again, hit the single, double and triple of each number to score the 100 point bonus. This last challenge offers the biggest rewards, so rely on it to maximize your score.

To achieve a high score, don’t overlook the importance of hitting those doubles and triples. They provide significant bonuses, so missing them will hurt your final total. Serious players regularly score over 850, but amateurs can still advance through the color grades by consistent throwing.

After adding up your score from each round, you’ll receive a grade and corresponding shirt color. The grades range from white (0-150 points) to black (850+ points). Work your way up to prove your dart skills and become a JDC Challenge master!

With practice, the key to mastering this routine is precision. Take your time, focus on accuracy, and make each throw count. Follow the rules, aim for those bonuses, and watch your score climb higher with each game.

The JDC Challenge is challenging, but that’s what makes it so rewarding. Keep at it and you’ll achieve a black shirt grade in no time!

Playing the JDC Dart Challenge

Step-by-Step Guide to Playing the JDC Dart Challenge

The JDC Dart Challenge is a fun way to put your skills to the test. To play, you’ll go through three rounds of increasing difficulty.

Round 1: Shanghai 10-15

You throw three darts at each number from 10 to 15 in sequence. Your score is the sum of your dart scores plus a 100 point bonus if you hit a single, double and treble of the same number (a Shanghai).

Round 2: Doubles 1-20

You throw one dart at each double from 1 to 20, plus the bullseye, in order. You score 50 points for each double you hit, plus a bonus of 50 points for the bullseye.

Round 3: Shanghai 15-20

You throw three darts at each number from 15 to 20, in order. You score the sum of your darts, plus a bonus of 100 points if you hit a single, a double and a treble of the same number (Shanghai).

Add up your points from all three rounds to determine your final score and JDC ranking.

With practice, you’ll be achieving higher scores and rankings in no time! Focus on accuracy, take your time with each throw, and don’t forget those bonus points for hitting a Shanghai. Keep at it and before you know it, you’ll be a pro at the JDC Dart Challenge. Let the games begin!

Scoring in the JDC Dart Challenge

Scoring in the JDC Dart Challenge can get a bit complicated, but stick with me and we’ll walk through it together. The challenge consists of three parts, and your total score determines what color “shirt” you achieve, from white to black.

Scoring in Round 1

Let’s say you are playing the (Round 1) Shanghai 10-15 game, and you throw three darts at each number from 10 to 15, in order. Here is how you would score your darts:

  • For number 10, you hit a single 10, a double 10, and a treble 10. This is a Shanghai, so you score the sum of your darts (10 + 20 + 30 = 60) plus a bonus of 100 points. Your total score for number 10 is 160 points.
  • For number 11, you hit a single 11, a single 1, and a single 20. You score the sum of your darts (11 + 1 + 20 = 32) without any bonus. Your total score for number 11 is 32 points.
  • For number 12, you hit a single 12, a single 5, and a miss. You score the sum of your darts (12 + 5 + 0 = 17) without any bonus. Your total score for number 12 is 17 points.
  • For number 13, you hit a single 13, a double 13, and a miss. You score the sum of your darts (13 + 26 + 0 = 39) without any bonus. Your total score for number 13 is 39 points.
  • For number 14, you hit a single 14, a treble 14, and a miss. You score the sum of your darts (14 + 42 + 0 = 56) without any bonus. Your total score for number 14 is 56 points.
  • For number 15, you hit a single 15, a double 15, and a treble 15. This is another Shanghai, so you score the sum of your darts (15 + 30 + 45 = 90) plus a bonus of 100 points. Your total score for number 15 is 190 points.

Your grand total score for the Shanghai 10-15 game is the sum of your scores for each number: 160 + 32 +17 +39 +56 +190 =494 points.

Scoring in Round 2

In Round 2, you have to throw one dart at each double from 1 to 20, plus the bullseye, in order. You score 50 points for each double you hit, plus a bonus of 50 points for the bullseye. The maximum score you can achieve in Round 2 is 1,050 points.

Here is an example of how to play and score in Round 2:

  • You throw your first dart at double 1 and hit it. You score 50 points.
  • You throw your second dart at double 2 and miss it. You score 0 points.
  • You throw your third dart at double 3 and hit it. You score 50 points.
  • You continue to throw one dart at each double from 4 to 20, hitting some and missing some. You score 50 points for each double you hit, and 0 points for each double you miss.
  • You throw your last dart at the bullseye and hit it. You score 50 points, plus a bonus of 50 points for the bullseye.
  • You add up your scores for each dart and get your total score for Round 2. For example, if you hit 10 doubles and the bullseye, your total score would be (10 x 50) + (50 + 50) = 600 points.

Scoring in the Final Round

In Round 3, you have to throw three darts at each number from 15 to 20, in order. You score the sum of your darts, plus a bonus of 100 points if you hit a single, a double and a treble of the same number (Shanghai). The maximum score you can achieve in Round 3 is 800 points.

  • You throw your first three darts at number 15 and hit a single 15, a double 15, and a treble 15. This is a Shanghai, so you score the sum of your darts (15 + 30 + 45 = 90) plus a bonus of 100 points. Your total score for number 15 is 190 points.
  • You throw your next three darts at number 16 and hit a single 16, a single 8, and a miss. You score the sum of your darts (16 + 8 + 0 = 24) without any bonus. Your total score for number 16 is 24 points.
  • You throw your next three darts at number 17 and hit a single 17, a treble 17, and a miss. You score the sum of your darts (17 + 51 + 0 = 68) without any bonus. Your total score for number 17 is 68 points.
  • You continue to throw three darts at each number from 18 to 20, hitting some and missing some. You score the sum of your darts, plus a bonus of 100 points if you hit a Shanghai.
  • You add up your scores for each number and get your total score for Round 3. For example, if you hit two Shanghais and scored an average of 40 points for each other number, your total score would be (2 x 190) + (4 x 40) = 540 points.

Calculating Total Score

You need to add up your scores for each part and get your total score for the JDC Challenge. For example, if you scored 494 points in Shanghai 10-15, 600 points in Doubles 1-20+BULL, and 540 points in Shanghai 15-20, your total score would be:

(494+600+540​)/3 = 1634​/3≈544.666666667

Lastly, you need to check your total score against the JDC grading system and see what shirt color you earned. In this example, your total score of 544 would earn you a green shirt.

The key to racking up points in this challenge is nailing those Shanghai bonuses in rounds one and three, and hitting as many doubles as possible in round two.

Take your time, focus on each number, and be consistent. Your scores will improve over time and you’ll be sporting a colorful new shirt before you know it!

Keep at it and have fun. The JDC Dart Challenge is a great way to test your skills and push yourself to the next level.

Achieving High Scores in the JDC Dart Challenge

Achieving High Scores in the JDC Dart Challenge

To achieve high scores in the JDC Dart Challenge, focus on consistency and strategy. The key is to maximize your chances on the highest-point opportunities.

Aim for Shanghai

The third challenge, Shanghai on numbers 15 to 20, offers the biggest bonus points. Make it your priority to hit single, double, and triple of those numbers.

Even hitting Shanghai on just a couple numbers can boost your score significantly. Take your time and focus—those 100-point bonuses are worth it!

Don’t Neglect the Doubles

While Shanghai may be the main event, don’t overlook the second challenge: hitting doubles 1 through 20. Each double is worth 50 points, so missing several can really hurt your score.

Even if you struggle with some of the higher doubles, be sure to nail the lower ones you’re confident with. Every point matters in this challenge!

Start with Your Strengths

Play to your strengths, especially when you’re first starting out. If you excel at lower numbers, focus your initial efforts there before moving on to more difficult targets. Build up your points and confidence, then expand your range. There’s no need to start at the top—work your way up at your own pace.

Practice Consistently

The key to mastering the JDC Dart Challenge is practice. Aim for at least 2-3 rounds per week, tracking your scores and areas that need improvement. Over time, you’ll gain valuable experience hitting key targets like doubles and you’ll achieve Shanghai more frequently. Your scores will rise steadily, and before you know it, you’ll be sporting that black shirt!

With focus, consistency, and a strategic approach, you’ll be achieving high scores and leveling up through the JDC Dart Challenge shirt colors in no time. Stay dedicated and don’t get discouraged—every player has to start somewhere. Keep at it and your skills will grow, along with your scores!


So you want to master the JDC Dart Challenge, do you? This popular practice game has taken the darts world by storm. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

All you need are a standard set of darts and a bristle dartboard. Make sure you have enough space in front of the board for an oche or throw line—about 7 to 10 feet away is typical.

The JDC Challenge involves playing three separate games on the board to achieve an overall score. Each game offers opportunities to score points and bonuses. Add up your points from all three games to determine your final score and ranking. The higher your score, the higher your ranking, from White Shirt to all the way up to Black Shirt for scores over 850.

  • The first game is Shanghai, where you score points for hitting single, double and triple segments of numbers 10 through 15. Get a 100-point bonus for “closing out” a number by hitting all three segments.
  • The second game requires hitting each double segment from 1 through 20, plus the bullseye. Each double hit scores 50 points.
  • The final game is also Shanghai, this time for numbers 15 through 20. Again, 100-point bonuses are available for closing out a number. Focus on this last game to significantly boost your score—but don’t forget the doubles, as they add up quickly!

Practice, practice, practice. Work on closing out numbers to earn those big bonuses. Aim carefully at the doubles and bullseye. Try rearranging the order you throw at the numbers—you may find some numbers easier to hit than others. Take breaks in between games to stay focused. Most of all, have fun while challenging yourself!


You’ve learned the basics of the JDC Dart Challenge in Shanghai – now it’s time to put your skills to the test. Head to one of the many bars and pubs around town that offer darts and see if you’ve got what it takes to master this game of precision and focus. Start at a beginner level and work your way up as your accuracy improves.

Who knows, you may just discover a hidden talent! Even if you struggle at first, stick with it – darts is a game that rewards practice and persistence. With a cold drink in hand and determination in your heart, you’ll be hitting bullseyes in no time.

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