Darts Domination: Skills and Drills for Dart Mastery

You’ve been honing your dart-throwing skills for a while now and are ready to take your game to the next level. Becoming a darts domination master isn’t easy, but with practice and persistence, you’ll be hitting bullseyes and winning games in no time. The key is focusing on fundamentals, repetitive drills, and muscle memory.

Once you’ve nailed down your technique, the real fun begins – trying out trickier shots, upping the difficulty, and wiping the floor with your competition. Whether you prefer soft-tip or steel-tip darts, it’s time to step up your training.

This guide will take you through key skills and killer drills that the pros use, so grab your darts, chalk up your hands, and let’s get started. By the end of this, you’ll be hitting treble 20s with your eyes closed. Game on!

Choosing the Right Dartboard and Darts for Your Skill Level

When you’re just getting started with darts, you’ll want to choose equipment suited to your skill level. For beginners, a basic bristle dartboard and a set of lightweight darts are perfect.

A standard 17-inch or 18-inch bristle board will do the trick. Stay away from the smaller boards – they’re harder to aim at! For darts, look for ones that are 20 to 23 grams. Lighter darts are easier to throw accurately. As your skills improve, you can size up to heavier darts.

•Beginner darts typically have plastic or nylon shafts and wider tips, making them less prone to bounce-outs while you’re learning.

•Once you’ve got the hang of it, switch to darts with aluminum or titanium shafts and narrower tips for better grouping.

If you’ve never played before, start with the fundamentals. Focus on a smooth release, follow through, and consistent stance and arm motion. Aim for the larger single and double targets, forget about trebles for now.

With regular practice, you’ll be hitting singles and doubles in no time. And when you start tightening your groups, you’ll know it’s time for an upgrade to a mid-range bristle board and intermediate darts.

Your skills will continue to improve, so choose equipment that challenges you to be better while still being fun to play with. With the right gear and lots of practice, you’ll be dominating in darts in no time!

Aiming dart

How To Aim Darts?

To become a darts master, you need to nail your aim. The key is consistent practice and focusing on the fundamentals.

Keep your elbow up

Hold your elbow up and keep your upper arm stationary. Only move from the elbow down. This provides a solid base and consistent release point for an accurate throw.

Line up the shot

Stand sideways to the board with one foot forward, hold the dart between your thumb and index finger, and bring it back by your ear. Extend your arm and point directly at your target. Keep your wrist straight and elbow up.

Release smoothly

Throw in one smooth motion. Release the dart when your elbow is pointing at the board and follow through across your body. Release the dart of your fingertips, not your wrist or palm. A smooth release is key.

Anticipate the arc

Release the dart slightly to the side of your target to anticipate its arc through the air. The exact spot will depend on the weight of your dart and your throwing motion. Practice to find what works for you.

With regular practice of these fundamentals, your aim will become deadly. But remember, no one becomes a darts master overnight. Stay dedicated and keep an eye on your technique. Consistency and precision will win the game.

Throw Technique for Darts

Proper Stance, Grip, and Throw Technique for Accuracy

To dominate at darts, you need to master the fundamentals. Work on developing a consistent and accurate throw every time.


Stand sideways to your target, with one foot in front of the other, and hold your upper body still. Keep your chin up and don’t bend or lean over. Having a solid, balanced stance gives you a firm base to throw from and helps you stay focused.


Hold the dart lightly but firmly, like you would a pen or pencil. Place your thumb and index finger on either side of the dart for control and stability. Make sure not to choke up on the dart, hold it near the back. A relaxed grip reduces tension and allows for a smooth release.


Bring the dart back and flick your wrist while releasing with your fingers pointed at the target. Follow through after releasing, extending your arm towards the board. Release the dart off to the side of your index finger for accuracy. A smooth, consistent release and follow-through leads to precision and mastery.

Practice the basics and drill each part of your throw. Work on your stance, grip, and release through repetition. Aim for muscle memory so you can replicate the perfect throw every time. Focus on one area at a time, and be patient through the process. Consistent practice and persistence will lead to dart domination.

Dart Games to Improve Your Skills

To become a darts master, you need to practice. A lot. Some of the best ways to hone your skills are by playing a variety of fun dart games. Here are a few to add to your practice routine:

Around the Clock

This game helps you practice precision. You start at 1 and have to hit each number in order up to 20, finishing in the bullseye. Make it more challenging by going in reverse order from 20 to 1.


The classic game of Cricket is all about hitting specific numbers. You earn points by being the first player to hit each number from 1 to 20 and the bullseye three times each. This game enhances your accuracy and consistency.


For the more advanced player, 501 is a staple. You start with 501 points and deduct the points you score from each throw. Hit the double or triple areas to deduct more points. The first player to reach exactly 0 points wins. This fast-paced game strengthens your mental math skills and tests your ability to finish strong.

Round the Board

This game boosts your speed and accuracy. Each player takes turns trying to hit 1, 2, 3, and bullseye in order before the other player. The first one to complete the sequence wins. You’ll get lots of practice hitting each section of the board in quick succession.

Mixing up your practice routine with these types of games will improve your skills in no time. Play a few games 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes and you’ll be hitting 180s and checkouts in your sleep. The key is repetition, so grab your darts, chalk up, and let the games begin!

Why are my darts so inconsistent?

Inconsistent darts can be frustrating, but the good news is there are a few common reasons why your darts may be off target. Making a few adjustments to your technique and equipment can get you throwing tight groupings in no time.

Release Point

The spot where you release the dart, known as your release point, has a huge impact on accuracy. If your release point changes from throw to throw, your darts will land all over the board. Focus on keeping your elbow up and releasing the dart with the same motion and spot on your fingers for each throw. With practice, a consistent release point will become second nature.

Stance and Posture

Having a solid, balanced stance with good posture is key. If you’re off balance or hunched over, you won’t have control over your release point or follow-through. Stand sideways to the board with one foot slightly in front of the other, keep your back straight, and hold your non-dominant arm out for balance. This athletic posture will give you a stable base to make an accurate throw.

Dart Selection

The darts themselves can also contribute to inconsistency. If your darts aren’t properly weighted or have an uneven shape, they won’t fly straight. It’s worth investing in a high-quality set of darts that are evenly weighted and shaped. Lighter darts may require more practice to master, while heavier darts can be more forgiving for beginners. With the right set of darts and some focused practice, your throws will be tight in no time.

Practice Drills and Routines to Increase Your Scoring

To become a darts domination master, consistent practice is key. Try these drills and routines to improve your technique and up your scoring.

Around the Clock

This drill helps you practice hitting targets all over the board. Start at 1 and try to hit each number in order up to 20, then back down. Aim for doubles and triples once you’ve mastered the basics. This drill improves your accuracy and consistency.


The Shanghai drill focuses on hitting the 1, 5, 10, and 15, double or triple. Start at 1 and call out your target before each throw. If you hit it, move up to the next number. If you miss, start back at 1. This drill boosts your concentration and confidence in high-pressure shots.


This classic game helps build your outshot skills. Start at 301 points and take turns throwing 3 darts to lower your score. The goal is to reach exactly 0 points. You’ll need to figure out the best ways to set up your remaining shots. Play first to reduce their score to 0 to win. This game enhances your strategic thinking and finishing skills.

Aim Small, Miss Small

Pick out tiny targets on the board like a wire intersection or number divider. Aim carefully at your small target and try to hit it. This helps train you to be ultra-precise with your throws. Even missing the mark slightly will still likely earn you points. Practice this drill regularly and your accuracy will skyrocket.

Following a regular practice routine that incorporates these types of drills will turn you into a darts sharpshooter in no time. Stay dedicated and don’t get discouraged if you struggle at first. With practice, your skills will develop and your scores will soar. Stay focused on fundamentals, set small achievable goals, and have fun – you’ll be dominating the darts in no time!

Strategies for Dartboard Domination

Tips From the Pros: Strategies for Dartboard Domination

To dominate at darts, follow these tips from the pros:

Focus on fundamentals

Work on consistent, accurate throws. Stand sideways to the board with your dominant hand shoulder pointed at the target. Keep your upper arm stationary and flick your wrist while releasing the dart. Follow through towards the board. A smooth release and consistent motion are key.

Aim small, miss small

Don’t just aim for the outer bullseye or triple 20. Pick individual pie slices, numbers, or small sections to aim at. The more precise your aim, the tighter your groupings will become. Start close to the board and move back as your accuracy improves.

Mix up your shots

Don’t fall into the habit of always going for the triple 20 or bullseye. Mix in some shots at the single numbers, double or triple sections to keep your opponent guessing. Go for 19s, 18s, or 17s which also score well. Fire at the bullseye, then follow up with a shot at 16 or 8. Keep changing where you’re aiming to make it harder to defend against.

Play around the clock

This drill helps you practice hitting targets all over the board. Start at 12 o’clock and work your way around the clock face hitting each number in order. Repeat this drill regularly to groove your throw and familiarize yourself with different targets. Your darts will soon be landing exactly where you want them!

Stay focused

Once you step to the throwing line, block out all distractions. Take a few seconds to focus on your target and visualize your dart landing exactly where you want it. Take a deep breath to steady your body and release the dart smoothly while keeping your eyes on the target. Total concentration and a consistent routine will lead to a killer instinct at the oche.

Not really a “trick,” per se, but several techniques can help improve your accuracy and precision. Release the dart smoothly, following through across your body. Aim small, miss small—focus on specific spots or numbers on the board rather than just trying to hit the general area. Keep your elbow up and pull the dart back, releasing when your arm is extended and following through. With practice, these skills will become second nature.

Most casual players average around 30 to 50 points per round in a 501 game. Pros and competitive players average over 60 points. The key is practice—the more you play, the better you’ll get. Even just 30 minutes a few times a week can significantly boost your skills over time.

Darts require a lot of skill and hand-eye coordination. While there is an element of chance in any game, darts are not primarily a game of luck. The most skilled players are able to consistently hit high-value targets and finish games quickly. Technique, consistency, and practice will make you a better player than relying on luck alone.


So there you have it, the tips and tricks to become a darts master. Practice the fundamentals, focus on precision and consistency, and make training a habit. With regular practice of these skills and drills, you’ll be hitting triple 20s and checkouts in no time.

Before you know it, you’ll be giving Phil Taylor a run for his money at the world championships. The key is sticking with it – darts is a game of muscle memory and mental focus. Keep putting in the effort and the results will come. Now get out there, grab your darts, and start dominating at the oche! The bullseye awaits.

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