The Ultimate Guide to Reaching Professional Darts Player Status

So, you want to turn your dart-throwing hobby into a professional career, do you? Well, becoming a pro darts player is challenging but with hard work and dedication, you can make it happen. First, you need to hone your skills and get good at throwing darts. We’re talking hours of practice a day, every day.

You need to be able to hit triple 20s and bullseyes with your eyes closed. Once you’ve mastered the mechanics, it’s time to start competing. Enter local dart leagues and open tournaments to gain experience. If you start winning, you’ll earn rankings and credibility.

Keep competing, keep winning, get sponsored, and go pro. The road ahead won’t be easy, but if you have the passion and put in the effort, you can join the ranks of the best darts players in the world. Are you up for the challenge?

Can Anyone Become a Professional Darts Player?

Anyone with dedication and practice can become a pro darts player. The keys are:

Develop your technique. Work on your stance, grip, and release until you can consistently hit targets. Muscle memory is key.

Get the right gear. Having a quality set of darts that are properly weighted and balanced for you will improve your accuracy and consistency. You’ll also want a regulation bristle dartboard and surround.

Practice consistently. Aim for at least an hour 3-4 times a week. Play a lot of 501 and Cricket to improve your scoring and doubling out. You need to build up your skills through repetition.

Compete locally. Look for opportunities at your local pub or rec center. Competing helps you gain valuable experience playing under pressure, and you can get noticed by sponsors and move up to county and regional levels.

Make connections. Get to know players, sponsors, and organizers. Let them see your skill and dedication. Look for chances to qualify for big competitions like the BDO World Darts Championships or PDC World Darts Championship.

Consider going pro. Once you start making a name for yourself and earning money at major events, you can apply for a professional tour card. It’s a tough road, but with enough talent and persistence, you can join the ranks of professional darts players.

The path isn’t easy, but with nonstop practice, the right technique and equipment, competition experience, networking, and a whole lot of determination, you can turn your dart-throwing passion into a lucrative career. Stay focused, and never stop improving your game. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro!

Dart Practice

How Much Do Professional Darts Players Practice?

To become a pro, you need to dedicate serious time to practice. We’re talking 3 to 4 hours a day, at least 5 days a week.

The key is consistency and repetition. Work on your technique and release, and focus on accuracy and precision. Aim for the triple 20 and bullseye over and over.

Keep score as you play, track your averages, and look for ways to improve. Watch footage of the pros for inspiration and ideas. Try their grips or stances, and see what works for your style.

Mix up your practice routine. Work through rounds 301, 501, and 1001, and play against a computer opponent. Try different games like cricket, golf, and baseball. Staying engaged will make the hours fly by.

Find a practice partner. Another aspiring pro is ideal, you can motivate each other and get valuable feedback. If there’s a local league, join to gain real match experience.

Become a student of the game. Learn strategies, optimal set-ups, and how to read your opponent. Know the rules inside and out. The more you understand darts, the better you’ll play.

With diligent practice, dedication, and discipline, you’ll be hitting like a pro in no time. But remember, becoming a professional in any sport is challenging and only a few make it to the top. Keep your head in the game, never stop improving, and always follow your passion. The bullseye is within your reach!

Choosing the Right Dart Equipment as a Beginner

To become a pro, you need pro-level gear. As a beginner, focus on a few essentials to get started.

Choose a Set of Darts

Look for a tungsten set that feels balanced and comfortable in your hands. Tungsten is a dense metal that allows for a slimmer dart profile, which many players prefer. For beginners, a 22-24 gram dart with a medium length (around 50mm) barrel is a great place to start.

Once you improve, you can experiment with different weights and barrel grips to find what works best for your throw. Some players like a front-weighted dart, while others prefer a barrel with grooves, knurling or rings along its length. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what helps you achieve consistent, accurate throws.

Get a High-Quality Board

A competition-level bristle board like the Winmau Blade 5 is ideal for both beginners and pros. The densely packed bristles and wiring produce the most authentic rebound and ‘feel’ of a real match board. The higher the quality, the longer it will last through hours of practice. Look for a board with a rotation number of at least 9 to provide fresh segments for your darts to sink into.

Add Accessories

Round out your gear with a few useful accessories:

•Chalk or resin powder for your fingertips – Provides grip to improve release

•Extra flights and stems – Have backups in case your darts get damaged

•A floor protector mat – Protects the floor from missed darts and board damage

•Surround lighting – Brightens the board for clearer visibility and reduced shadows

With the right gear and lots of practice, you’ll be throwing like a pro in no time. The key is to start with the basics and upgrade as your skills improve.

playing dart

Improving Your Throw: Stance, Grip, and Technique Tips

To improve your throw and up your darts game, focus on your stance, grip, and technique.


Stand sideways to the board with one foot in front of the other, shoulder-width apart. Keep your upper body still and avoid swaying. Balance your weight evenly on the balls of your feet. This athletic stance will give you a solid base to throw from.


Hold the dart lightly but firmly, like you would a pen or pencil. Don’t choke down on the dart or grip it too tightly. Relax your wrist and fingers. The typical grip has your thumb along one side of the barrel and your index and middle finger placed slightly forward. Find what’s comfortable for you. A loose, natural grip will make it easier to release the dart smoothly.


Draw the dart back and flick your wrist while releasing your fingers to propel the dart forward in one smooth motion. Follow through across your body. Aim for the same spot on the board with each throw. Release the dart when your arm is extended and follow through. Consistency is key.

Practice the basics and establish a routine before each throw. A consistent and repeatable throw will improve your accuracy and precision. Start at the oche line and take three measured steps to throw from the same spot every time. Once you’ve mastered your technique, you’ll be well on your way to reaching pro status.

With regular practice of these essential skills, you’ll gain consistency, improve your accuracy, and be throwing like a pro in no time. The key is muscle memory through repetition. Keep at it and don’t get discouraged if you miss the mark. Even the pros were beginners once. Follow the fundamentals, get in your practice time, and stay dedicated. You’ve got this!

Dart game tanning

Practice Makes Perfect: Training Drills and Games to Master

To become a pro, you need to dedicate serious time to practice. Set up a regular training schedule and stick to it. Here are some drills and games to help improve your skills:

Training Drills

Work on the basics:

-Take aim at the number 20, double 20, and triple 20, and just keep throwing darts at those targets. This helps perfect your accuracy and consistency.

  • Throw at the bullseye. Start close to the board, say 3 to 5 feet away, and move back as your accuracy improves. This helps you dial in on tight groupings.
  • Play Around the Clock. Start at 1 o’clock and try to hit each number in order. This helps you practice different angles and trajectories.
  • Try for triples and doubles. Aim exclusively at the triple and double targets to get comfortable hitting small areas.

Practice Games

Once you’ve mastered the drills, put your skills to the test in some classic darts games:

  • Aim for the highest score in the fewest darts. Start with 301 points and work your way down as your skills improve.
  • Cricket. Hit the numbers 1-20 in sequence and close each number with three hits in a row. Work on closing out numbers quickly.
  • Killer. Each player throws a dart – the closest to the bullseye starts. Take turns trying to hit your opponent’s dart. Last dart left in the board wins. Tests accuracy under pressure.

Keep at it and stay focused. Muscle memory and consistency are key. Before you know it, those pro tours will be within your reach! Stay dedicated and never stop improving your game.

dartboard games

Playing Competitively: Joining a League and Entering Tournaments

Playing darts competitively is the best way to improve your skills and work towards becoming a pro. Joining a local dart league and entering amateur tournaments are two of the best ways to gain experience.

Joining a League

Find a local bar that sponsors a dart league and join a team. Most leagues have divisions for all skill levels so you can start at the bottom and work your way up as your skills improve. Playing in a league exposes you to a variety of players and styles, helping you strengthen your technique. It also allows you to track your stats and progress to see how you’re improving over the course of a season.

Entering Tournaments

Once you’ve gotten experience from playing in a league, start entering amateur dart tournaments, also known as “opens.” These events draw players from a wider area, increasing the level of competition. You’ll face off against many different opponents in a single elimination or round robin format. Winning an open, or placing well, boosts your confidence and rankings. It may even win you a cash prize or invitation to higher level competitions.

Competing in leagues and tournaments is key to reaching pro status. Start at the local level, build up your skills and rankings over time through consistent play and gradual progression to higher levels of competition. Keep practicing, studying the techniques of top players, and maintaining high standards of sportsmanship. If you have the dedication, one day you might just find yourself on the big stage.

Going Pro: Getting Sponsored and Qualifying for Major Events

To become a pro, you need to get sponsored by a major darts manufacturer and qualify for prestigious tournaments.

Getting Sponsored

Sponsorship from a major brand like Winmau, Harrows or Red Dragon will provide you with free or discounted equipment, tournament entry fees, and sometimes even a monthly stipend. To attract sponsors, you’ll need to:

  • Build your rankings and reputation by competing in amateur events. Place well at smaller opens and classics to boost your world ranking and become known.
  • Create social media profiles to raise your visibility. Post photos, live stream your matches, share updates on your training and wins. Build a following of darts fans and engage with them.
  • Contact darts companies and ask about sponsorship opportunities. Explain your experience, ranking and social following. Offer to promote their brand in exchange for support.

Qualifying for Majors

The biggest tournaments—like the PDC World Darts Championship, UK Open and World Matchplay—have qualification paths for amateurs. You’ll need to:

  1. Compete in smaller PDC ProTour events to gain ranking points. The top players earn automatic qualification into majors.
  2. Enter PDC Challenge Tour and Development Tour events. Winning one of these tours may qualify you for a major.
  3. Apply for a PDC Tour Card, which allows you to compete on the ProTour. Finish in the top 64 after two years to retain your card and qualify for majors.
  4. Enter PDC Q School, a four-day competition in January. Earn one of the 30 PDC Tour Cards awarded to qualify for the ProTour and potential majors.

Becoming a pro darts player requires dedication, skill, and persistence. Build your experience, improve your ranking, gain visibility, and qualify for the biggest events. With hard work and consistency, you can achieve your goal of becoming a professional darts player.


Becoming a pro darts player takes dedication and practice. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on making it to the big leagues:

Most pros have played for 3-5 years at a competitive level before turning pro. The key is developing consistency and accuracy, which takes time. Don’t rush the process.

Darts is a sport that people of all ages can enjoy. While hand-eye coordination may decrease slightly with age, experience and wisdom gained over the years can be an advantage. Many current pros didn’t start playing seriously until their 30s or 40s. It’s never too late to give darts a throw.

Becoming a pro in any sport is challenging and requires an immense amount of skill, practice, and dedication. Darts is no different. Making a living at darts means consistently performing at the highest levels and winning prize money and sponsorships. For most, it will take years of commitment to reach pro status. But with passion and perseverance, it is possible.

Darts provide mental benefits for players of all levels. It helps improve focus, concentration, and hand-eye coordination. Playing darts can be a form of meditation for the mind. Many find it relieves stress and provides an escape from every day worries. The social aspect also contributes to well-being. Overall, darts are great for both mental and physical health.

The road to becoming a pro darts player is long but rewarding. With enough practice, perseverance, and patience, you can make your way to the professional ranks and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. But remember, becoming a pro starts with passion for the game.


So there you have it, the inside scoop on how to become a pro darts player. It won’t happen overnight, but with enough dedication, practice, and perseverance, you can make it to the big leagues. Focus on fundamentals, find a mentor, build your skills, and never stop improving.

Take each loss and setback as an opportunity to get better. Stay positive, believe in yourself, and keep your eyes on the prize. Before you know it, you’ll be walking onto that stage, the crowd cheering, about to throw for your chance at glory.

The road is long, but the reward of becoming a professional darts player is worth all the blood, sweat and tears. Now get out there and throw some darts! The bullseye is waiting.

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