The Best Way to Clean Darts and Improve Your Game

Hey there, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to improve your darts game, you’ve come to the right place. Cleaning your darts regularly is a simple trick that can take your game to the next level.

As the dirt and grime build up on your darts over time, it affects their flight and accuracy. A quick wipe-down with a dart-cleaning solution and a soft cloth is all it takes to get your darts flying fast and true again.

You’ll notice a big difference in how well your darts group and stick in the board in just a few minutes. Your teammates will wonder what you did to improve your game quickly.

The secret? It’s all in a clean set of darts. Keep reading to learn the best way to clean your darts and become the most accurate shooter in your league.

Why You Should Clean Your Darts Regularly

Keeping your darts clean and sharp is key to improving your accuracy and game.

A Clean Dart Flies Better

Dirt, grime, and residue build-up on darts over time and with use, throwing off their weight distribution and aerodynamics. Giving your darts a quick wipe down before each game will remove any debris and ensure they fly smoothly and true.

Sharpen Those Points

Dull points won’t grip the board well and can deflect off the wire or spider, costing you points. Every few games, use a dart point sharpener or fine-grit sandpaper to put a sharp edge back on your dart points. Be very careful sharpening as dart points are razor sharp!

Rotate and Inspect

It’s a good idea to rotate your darts to evenly distribute wear. Swap the order you throw them or switch which darts you throw at certain targets. While rotating, inspect your darts for any damage to the shaft, grip, or point and replace them as needed.

Keeping your darts in tip-top shape through regular cleaning, sharpening, and inspection is the easiest way to tighten your game and up your scores. Well-maintained darts fly fast and true, giving you the precision and consistency you need to hit those triples and bullseyes!

Supplies You’ll Need to Clean Your Darts

To get your darts in top shape, you’ll need a few supplies.

You’ll want brushes in a few sizes to clean different parts of your darts. Tiny brushes are great for getting into the grooves and knurled areas. Larger brushes will clean the main body and shaft.

Next, pick up some dart wax or shaft lube. This helps your darts glide through the air and protects the metal from moisture. Apply it to the point, barrel, and shaft for the best results.

Isopropyl alcohol is also handy for disinfecting and degreasing. Gently wipe down the entire dart with alcohol using a soft cloth to remove built-up grime and oils.

Finally, consider a dart sharpening stone to hone the point. As darts get used, the point can become dull. Sharpening the point slightly will allow for better penetration and higher scores.

With the right supplies and a little elbow grease, you’ll have your darts flying fast and hitting those triples in no time. Your improved accuracy and consistency will lead to lower scores and higher satisfaction with your game.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Dart Shafts

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Dart Shafts

To keep your darts in top shape, it’s important to clean them regularly. A simple cleaning routine after each use will remove built-up dirt and grime and keep your darts flying straight and true.

Disassemble the darts

The first step is to take your darts apart. Unscrew the shafts from the barrels and separate all pieces. This allows you to clean each component thoroughly.

Clean the shafts

For aluminum or nylon shafts, wipe them down with a clean, soft cloth to remove any dirt or oils. For tighter areas, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Rinse the shafts with water and dry completely.

For tighter-fitting carbon fiber shafts, you may need to use a pipe cleaner to remove built-up debris from inside the shaft. Be very gentle when cleaning carbon fiber shafts to avoid damage.

Reassemble and tighten

Once all parts are clean and dry, reassemble your darts by screwing the shafts back onto the barrels. Be sure to tighten each shaft firmly so it’s straight and secure.

A quick cleaning after each practice session or match will remove surface dirt and ensure your darts remain balanced and consistent. For a deeper clean, disassemble and clean all parts at least once a month or if you notice your darts becoming off-center or inconsistent. Keeping your darts clean will help improve your accuracy and performance.

How do you clean dart barrels?

How do you clean dart barrels?

To keep your darts in top shape, it’s important to clean the barrels regularly. Dirt and grime can build up on the barrels over time and affect your grip and release.

How do you clean dart barrels?

The best way to clean your dart barrels is:

  • Disassemble your darts by removing any tips or shafts attached to the barrels. This allows you to thoroughly clean the entire barrel surface.
  • Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the outside of the barrels. Gently scrub any visibly dirty or sticky areas. You can also use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol for tight spaces.
  • For stubborn stuck-on debris, make a paste from baking soda and water and scrub with the paste using an old toothbrush. Rinse well with water to remove all residue.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners or solvents like acetone which can damage the barrel coating or finish.
  • Rinse or wipe barrels with water to remove any remaining dirt or cleaning product residue.
  • Allow barrels to air dry completely before reassembling your darts.
  • For tough stuck-on gunk, you may need to soak the barrels briefly in warm water. Be very careful not to soak any shafts, flights or tips.

Keeping your dart barrels clean will ensure you have the best grip and release on every throw. Your darts will look like new, and your game will improve as a result. Consistent practice and maintenance make perfect!

How do you get rust off darts?

Rust on your darts can affect their flight and damage the board. Here are some tips to get rust off darts and keep your game in top shape:

Use steel wool

The finest grade of steel wool, 0000, is very effective for scrubbing rust off darts. Gently rub the rust spots with the steel wool until the rust is removed. Be careful not to scratch the dart shaft or flights. Wipe away debris with a soft cloth.

Baking soda paste

Make a paste from baking soda and water and apply it to the rusty areas of the darts. Let it sit for several hours or overnight. The baking soda is a gentle abrasive that helps loosen the rust. Rinse well with water and dry the darts completely.

Commercial rust remover

Products containing oxalic or phosphoric acid, like naval jelly, can dissolve rust on darts. Apply the product as directed, then rinse and dry the darts. These chemicals can be harsh, so handle carefully and with proper ventilation.

Prevent recurrence

To prevent future rust, wipe darts down after each use and store them in a dry place, not the dartboard. A dehumidifier can help keep moisture in check.

Apply a light coat of oil like WD-40 or sewing machine oil to the darts, especially the tips and shafts. The oil will protect from water and oxygen, the two ingredients needed for rust.

With regular cleaning and maintenance, your darts will stay rust-free and ready for your next 301 or Cricket match. A little time spent caring for your equipment will keep your game in top shape for the long run.

Tips for Cleaning Dart Flights

Tips for Cleaning Dart Flights

To keep your darts flying straight and true, it’s important to properly clean your dart flights. Flights are the fin-shaped pieces at the end of your darts that help stabilize them in flight. Over time, flights can get dirty and worn, negatively impacting your accuracy.

Clean flights regularly

It’s best to wipe down your flights after every few games to remove built-up dirt and oils. Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe both sides of each flight. Make sure the cloth is not too wet, as excess moisture can damage the flights. For stubborn stains, you can also use a mild solvent like isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip.

Replace worn or damaged flights

Check your flights for any tears, creases or other damage. Imperfections in the flight surface disrupt air flow and make darts veer off course.

Replace any flights with visible damage to improve consistency and precision. It’s also a good idea to rotate in a new set of backup flights every few months, even if your current flights seem fine. Newer flights simply fly better.

Consider flight protectors

If you want to extend the life of your flights and reduce the need for frequent cleaning, invest in a set of flight protectors or “flight shields.”

These are thin covers that adhere to the surface of your flights to protect them from dirt and oils during play. Look for protectors made of a durable polymer material for the best performance. With protectors on, you only need to wipe down your flights every 10-15 games or so.

Keeping your flights clean and in good working order is a simple step that can make a big difference in your dart throwing accuracy and consistency. Well-maintained flights help your darts fly smoothly and straight, allowing you to focus on improving your technique and honing your skills.

Maintaining Your Dart Board for Optimal Play

To keep your darts flying straight and true, you need to properly maintain your dart board. A well-cared-for board will last longer and provide an optimal playing surface.

Rotate Your Board

After a few games, rotate your board 180 degrees. This helps prevent the board from becoming lopsided in one area from heavy dart impact. For casual play, rotate at least once a month or if you notice certain areas becoming loose or worn. For competitive players, rotate every 10-15 games.

Replace Spider Wires

Check the spider wires (the metal dividers that create the pie-shaped sections) and replace them if bent or damaged. Bent or loose wires can affect dart deflection and scoring. Most boards come with extra spider wires, or you can purchase replacement sets.

Tighten Loose Segments

Gently pry up any loose or lifted board segments and apply a bit of wood glue to re-secure them. Press down firmly to adhere the segment back in place. Let it dry completely. Loose segments, no matter how minor, will affect dart penetration and must be repaired.

Vacuum Frequently

Use a vacuum with proper attachments to remove built-up debris from the surface and edges of your board. Built-up dust and fibers can impact dart tips and affect scoring. For best results, vacuum at the same time you rotate your board.

Keeping your dartboard in top shape requires minimal effort but pays off hugely in improved play and longevity. With regular maintenance and care, a high-quality bristle dart board can provide many years of entertainment. Your darts will fly true, and higher scores will be within your reach.


As with any equipment, darts require some maintenance to keep them flying true and improving your game. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cleaning darts.

It’s a good idea to wipe down your darts after every few games to remove built-up grime and oils from your hands. For a deeper clean, disassemble and thoroughly clean all parts at least once a month or if you notice your darts not grouping as tightly.

The supplies are simple:

  • Dart cleaning solution or isopropyl alcohol
  • Q-tips or soft cloth
  • Small brush
  • Eyeglass repair kit (for sharpening tips)

Disassemble your darts and soak the barrels in cleaning solution. Scrub with a brush to loosen any stuck-on debris. Rinse and dry completely before reassembling. For tough stuck-on messes, you may need to scrape with a knife tip. Be very careful not to damage the barrel.

Yes, especially if you notice your darts not sticking in the board as well. Use the eyeglass screwdriver and whetstone to gently hone and sharpen the tips. Spin the tip in the screwdriver to ensure even sharpening. Be very careful, as the tips can get extremely sharp!

Flights and shafts should also be wiped down regularly to remove oils and dirt. For stuck debris in flights, use the corner of a damp cloth or Q-tip. Shafts can be soaked in solution, then cleaned with a brush and cloth. Let all parts dry completely to avoid warping before reassembling your darts.


That covers the basics of keeping your darts clean and sharp. Now that you’ve cleaned off the grime and grit, oiled the shafts and points, and sharpened the tips, you’re ready to throw with confidence and consistency.

Your darts will fly straighter and stick better in the board, allowing you to focus on improving your technique and accuracy. Clean darts really can make a difference in how you play and feel at the oche.

So take a few minutes to show your darts some love, and get ready to hit those triples and checkouts with the best of them. Your darts and your game will thank you for it.

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