Wall-Free Dartboard Hanging Ideas for Renters

Have you always wanted to pick up a new hobby like darts but don’t want to damage your rental walls? There are plenty of ways to hang a dartboard that don’t require making any holes in the walls. You’ll be throwing bullseyes in no time and your security deposit will stay fully intact.

Whether you have brick walls, drywall, or concrete, we’ve got you covered with wall-free dartboard hanging ideas perfect for renters looking to start chucking darts without the commitment of permanent installation.

Your dart-throwing dreams don’t have to end just because you’re renting. With a little creativity, you’ll have a fully functioning dartboard setup in your place that can be taken down and moved whenever needed. Let the games begin!

Assess Your Space for the Best Dartboard Placement

Before you haul that board out of the closet, you’ll need to find the perfect spot to hang it. As a renter, you’ll want to choose a placement that won’t damage the walls.

First, consider empty wall space. An open area in a spare room or garage is ideal. You’ll have room to stand back and throw without worrying about breakables. Measure the space to ensure your board will fit comfortably.

Next, look for sturdy freestanding structures. A heavy bookshelf, pantry, or cabinet can support a dartboard. Securely mount a wooden board to the back of the furniture, then attach your dartboard to that. This allows the furniture to bear the weight so you can remove and patch holes when you move out.

You might also try a freestanding screen or room divider. Clamp or tie the board to the screen, but avoid hanging it in a way that could make the screen top-heavy or unstable. Test it to ensure safety before playing.

With some creativity, you can find a perfect spot for darts that won’t damage the walls or upset your landlord. Once you’ve identified a good location, grab your darts and start throwing – the fun is just beginning!

Dartboard Freestanding Cabinet

Dartboard Freestanding Cabinet

A freestanding cabinet is a stylish way to hang your dartboard without damaging walls.

  • You’ll need a cabinet that’s at least 2 feet deep to properly house your board. Look for one with an open back so darts can pass through, and doors that open fully for easy access.
  • Secure the cabinet to studs in the wall for stability using wall anchors. This prevents the cabinet from toppling over during enthusiastic games.
  • Attach a sheet of plywood to the back of the cabinet to mount the dartboard onto. Make sure there’s ample space between the board and cabinet back for darts to pass through.
  • Consider adding locking casters to the bottom of the cabinet. This allows you to wheel the cabinet out of the way when not in use and lock it in place during play.

With some minor modifications, a freestanding cabinet cleverly disguises your dartboard and provides a stylish solution for renters and homeowners alike. Your friends will be impressed with your ingenuity, and your walls will remain blissfully unmarred. Now go have fun and throw some darts!

Mount Your Dartboard on a Freestanding Frame

Mount Your Dartboard on a Freestanding Frame

A freestanding dartboard frame is a great option if you can’t mount a board directly to the wall. These frames provide a sturdy base to attach your dartboard while still allowing it to be moved around.

Find a Suitable Frame

Look for a frame specifically designed to hold a regulation bristle dartboard. It should have a circular opening slightly larger than your board and a way to securely fasten the board in place. Some frames use brackets and bolts, while others have a locking mechanism to clamp the board down. Ensure the frame is made of a heavy, durable material like steel or hardwood so it remains stable during use.

Add Weight for Stability

Once you have your frame constructed, add weight to the base to prevent tipping. You can attach casters to the bottom of the legs so you can roll the frame out of the way when not in use. Fill the bottom with sand, concrete, or metal plates. The more weight the better, as long as the frame can still be moved.

Position Your Frame

Place the freestanding frame at the regulation throw line distance of 7 to 10 feet from the toe line. Ensure there is plenty of space behind and to the sides of the frame for errant darts. Position the frame so the number 20 wedge is at the top center, and you’re ready to start throwing.

A freestanding dartboard frame allows you to enjoy darts wherever you are. With some weight added, these frames can provide a stable platform for casual games while still being portable. Look for a well-constructed frame, and weight, and position it properly, and you’ll be hitting bullseyes in no time!

magnetic Dart board

Install Darts in Your Door With Magnetic Dartboards

If you want to hang a dartboard but can’t put holes in your walls, a magnetic dartboard is the perfect solution. Magnetic dartboards, attach directly to metal surfaces using strong magnets.

Since most doors are made of metal, a door is an ideal spot for a magnetic dartboard. All you need to do is mount the magnetic board onto your door. The board comes with adhesive magnets that you simply stick onto the back of the board. Then just place the board onto your door, making sure it’s secured firmly so it won’t fall off when the darts hit the board.

Some tips for hanging a magnetic dartboard on a door:

  • Choose a door without a lot of trim or molding, as this provides the flattest surface for the magnets to adhere to.
  • Ensure the door is made of a ferrous metal like steel that magnets can stick to. Magnets won’t work on aluminum or wood doors.
  • Place the board at regulation height, with the bullseye 5 feet 8 inches from the floor.
  • Test that the magnets are holding firmly by tugging on the board before throwing any darts.
  • Consider putting a piece of cardboard behind the board to prevent darts from sticking into the door.

With some strong magnets and a metal door, you’ll be all set to start playing darts without creating any damage. Magnetic dartboards provide a simple solution for renters and those who can’t permanently mount a traditional board.

Hang a Dartboard From the Ceiling

If you’re not allowed to drill into walls, hanging a dartboard from the ceiling is a great option.

Materials Needed

To hang a dartboard from the ceiling, you’ll need:

  • Eye hooks or screw eyes
  • Chain
  • S-hooks or quick links
  • A stud finder

Find the Studs

Use a stud finder to locate the studs in your ceiling. The eye hooks will need to be screwed into the studs to properly support the weight of the dartboard. Mark the stud locations with pencil.

Attach the Eye Hooks

Screw the eye hooks into the studs you located. For most dartboards, using two to four eye hooks spaced evenly around the outer rim of where you want to hang the board should be sufficient. Make sure the eye hooks are screwed in straight and securely.

Attach the Chain

Attach an S-hook to the end of the length of the chain. Connect the S-hook to one of the eye hooks in the ceiling. Pull the chain through the outer rim of your dartboard, then attach the other end of the chain to the remaining eye hooks in the ceiling using quick links.

Level and Secure

Gently pull on the dartboard to ensure all connections are secure, then use a level to make sure your dartboard is evenly balanced. Make any final adjustments needed so your dartboard hangs flat and level. You’re now ready to start throwing darts, ceiling, and wall damage-free!

Suction Cups for Temporary Dartboard Mounting

Use Suction Cups for Temporary Dartboard Mounting

Using suction cups is a temporary solution for renters that allows you to hang a dartboard without damaging walls.

Suction Cups

Suction cups adhere to smooth, non-porous wall surfaces using air pressure. They provide enough grip to hold a lightweight dartboard but can be removed without leaving holes or marks. You’ll want at least four large suction cups, preferably with locking mechanisms to prevent slipping.

Clean and dry the wall area thoroughly. Press each suction cup firmly against the wall at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions on the back of the dartboard. Engage the locking clasp or tab to secure the suction. Tug on the dartboard gently to ensure it’s firmly attached before throwing any darts.

The suction seal can weaken over time, so check your dartboard’s adhesion regularly and re-secure as needed. When removing the suction cups, slowly and carefully lift one edge at a time rather than yanking the entire board off at once. This will release the air pressure gradually and prevent the cups from losing suction too quickly.

While not a permanent solution, suction cups provide a removable option for hanging a dartboard when you’re renting. When used and cared for properly, suction cups can securely and temporarily mount your dartboard to suitable walls without damage. Just be sure to test the suction in an inconspicuous area first!

How to hang dartboard on Door

Hang it on a Door

Hanging your dartboard on a door is a simple solution if you can’t drill into walls. All you need is an over-the-door hanger and a few other supplies.


  • Over-the-door hanger (purchase one rated to hold at least 10-15 lbs for a standard dartboard)
  • Two eye bolts or screw eyes
  • Two carabiners or S-hooks
  • Dartboard


  1. Attach the two eye bolts to the top of your dartboard, spaced about 8 to 12 inches apart. These will allow you to hang the board from the hanger.
  2. Place the over-the-door hanger over the top of your door. Make sure the door is level for the best dart-throwing experience. The hanger should rest securely on top of the door.
  3. Attach the carabiners or S-hooks to the eye bolts on your dartboard. Clip the opposite ends onto the over-the-door hanger. Your dartboard should now be hanging evenly and securely from the top of the door, ready for a game of darts!
  4. Consider sliding a towel or other padding under the door to prevent the darts from damaging the floor. You’ll also want to choose a door that opens into a space clear of furnishings and foot traffic.

By hanging your dartboard on a door, you can enjoy a game of darts without worrying about wall damage. This simple solution, using an over-the-door hanger and a few hardware supplies, allows you to set up a dartboard wherever there’s a door. Let the games begin!

Dartboard With Command Strips?

Can You Hang a Dartboard With Command Strips?

Command strips are a renter-friendly alternative for hanging a dartboard without damaging walls. The adhesive on command strips is strong enough to securely hold a lightweight dartboard, yet still removes cleanly when you move.

Choose Heavy-Duty Strips

For a dartboard, use the largest command strips rated to hold at least 16 pounds. The dartboard itself may only weigh a few pounds, but the forces from thrown darts can put extra stress on the mounts. Larger strips, like Command Extreme or Poster strips, are your best options.

Use Multiple Strips

Place one strip at the top center, one at the bottom center, and one on each side of the dartboard in a square or diamond shape. This distributes the weight and prevents the board from becoming off-balance or crooked. The more strips you use, the more securely the board will be held.

Apply Strips Correctly

Follow the instructions precisely when applying the strips. Clean the wall area, let strips sit for the recommended time so the adhesive can fully bond, and press firmly along the entire strip. When you go to remove the strips, pull them down and out, rather than just yanking off. This helps prevent any damage to the wall surface.

Consider Alternatives

If command strips do not work for your wall type or you have concerns about them holding strongly enough for a dartboard, consider a freestanding dartboard cabinet or portable dartboard stand. These provide stability without attaching anything to walls. You’ll have peace of mind that your security deposit is protected and darts will have a proper backboard.


Have some other questions about wall-free dartboard hanging ideas? Here are some of the most frequently asked ones.

Most of the options can hold 15-20 pounds which is suitable for a standard bristle dartboard. However, the ceiling mount and stand options are best if you have an electronic dartboard or other heavy-duty board.

Yes, for the best dart-throwing experience, you’ll want your board to be level. Use a level to make sure it’s even before securing the board to the wall or hanging apparatus. This way your darts will fly true each time.

he ceiling mount, door mount and hanging ideas that don’t require drilling into walls are easily removable. This is ideal if you’re in a rental or temporary space. The free-standing options can also be taken down quickly.

The door mount, ceiling mount and rod hanging methods will not damage walls. The freestanding stands also do not require mounting to walls. However, the anchor-based options may require some minor wall repair when removing.

The supplies for most of these methods are very affordable. You can get everything you need for under $30-$50 total for most setups. The stand options will likely be a bit more, around $50-$200 depending on the model.


So there you have it, a few clever ways to get your dartboard up and playable without putting any holes in the walls. Whether you opt for a free-standing board surround, or a dartboard cabinet, or get creative by repurposing an old door or tabletop, you’ll be launching darts in no time.

No more excuses that your rental agreement won’t allow dartboards – now you have options to work around that constraint and enjoy some games of darts with friends.

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